Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Second Line

Hi Guys,
Sorry for not posting in a while we have been pretty busy for the last couple days. We've sold most of our first inventory and have just acquired more items. Hopefully you'll enjoy them more than our first line, click here and you get a chance to preview our new items. Our prices would be added soon also...however in the meantime if your interested just send us a msg at bacchanalfashions@gmail.com


Friday, May 15, 2009


Thank You for everyone who supported our First line Showing. It was a success....again people were extremely satisfied with the jewellery that was on display. We sold many pieces and actually would have to begin working on placing our next order with our supplier today for more.

This has been a great boost in our confidence at BacchanalFashions and we plan to bring you much more shortly!

Pics from the launch are coming soon so keep posted!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It begins....

This Thursday at 7pm Melissa is going to have our first line showing at her house in Trinidad. They're going to have free finger foods and drinks so if any Trinis reading this is interested we would be thankful for your support. As soon as we get some pics of the event Im going to be creating a link for it...so keep updated.

So far the event page that we have created on facebook has been a success with already 34 confirmed guests. Hopefully the actual turnout is as good as this.

Wish us Luck!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A long journey ahead.....

Besides dealing with the direction of where we want to go with bacchanal fashions there is a lot of work to be done with the marketing of the blog itself. The blog is our medium to receive feedback and obviously to promote our products....but lets be honest there isn't much feedback in the beginning and not much traffic for effective promotion. We are currently working on promoting the blog and there is a lot of work to be done.

To summarize we are going to have to:
-join and promote on a host of forums
-join other social networking sites such as Digg, Del.icio.us etc
-submit our blogs to a host of main blog directories
-Advertise on craigslist
-Join other blogs, communities etc.

Its easier said than done....it takes a lot of time to build a community and a lot of work to have content to keep you interested.
If anyone has any ideas feel free to post....we are open to anything.

Poll for piece of the day (May 5th)

Thanks for voting on the poll.

Here are the results
2 (33%)
I like!
4 (66%)
Hmm...its ok....
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Theres NO way im wearing that!!!
0 (0%)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Contact Info

Hi guys,

If you'll are interested in any of the items you see here you can contact us at the following:

Melissa: 416-333-4904
Me(Jonathan) : 416-527-0407
Email: bacchanalfashions@gmail.com

Please note that if any Trinidadians would like anything Melissa would be coming down this Friday!
Her phone in trini is : 632-0988

Have a good one!


Thanks guys for taking the time to check our blog and voting on our piece of the day poll. The results are as follows:

I WANT IT!!!! 3(30%)

I like! 4(40%)

Hmmm...its ok.... 2(20%)

Bleh 0(0%)

Theres NO way im wearing that!!! 1(10%)

Feel free to participate in any further polls.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Link to picture post

Hey guys I just figured out how to make the link on our posts. Thanks to Jimboslice for the suggestion.


Pictures of Jewellery.

We don't have our own website up as yet but for the time being we would be posting pics on the following link.


Feel free to check them out

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stage of business

Starting a new business requires time, diligence, common sense and to a certain extent luck.

Bacchanal fashions is currently run by Melissa Pascal and Jonathan Gonzalez.In our planning for the future of bacchanal fashions there are many options that we are currently reviewing for its success, topics from marketing to suppliers, location and even more the risk and impact of our personal lives.

So far we've gotten feedback of our jewelery from friends and family, Craigslist and other fashion jewellery retailers. The feedback so far has been only one thing and that is positive, we have products that people describe as gorgeous and unique and we are excited to pursue this opportunity.

In this blog we intend to share with you our experience, build relationships and receive feedback from anyone who is interested.

Welcome and thank you for joining us on our journey!